Kyoto Mosaic Exhibition 2016
会期|2016 年 12 月 6 日(火) - 12 月 11 日(日) 11:00 - 18:30 (初日は14:00より、最終日は 16:00 まで)
会場|しまだいギャラリー 京都市中京区御池通東洞院西北角 tel/075 - 221- 5007
◎アーティスト・トーク(無料) | 2016.12.10(土)
一部:3:00 p.m. から(小学生対象/大人の方も参加可)
二部:5:00 p.m. から 参加作家が、作品について語ります。どなたさまもお気軽にご参加ください。
テーマは「つなぐ」— これは、モザイクの特徴であるかけらを「つなぐ」という意味だけでなく、人、場所、時間 を「つなぐ」というメッセージでもあります。モザイクと京都のまちとがとけあうことで、モザイクのあらゆる可能性、豊かな多様性にふれることでしょう。地元京都の小学生が制作した作品も展示するなど、モザイクを通じて芸術発展の場がここに誕生します。
Shimadai Gallery Kyoto
2016.12.6 tue.–11sun. 11:00 a.m. –6:30 p.m 6th: opens at 2:00.p.m. /11th: closes at 4:00 p.m.
International Group Exhibition of 30 Mosaic Artists
Local Children’s Works +“Authentic Kyoto” Mosaic Art
◎Artists’ Presentation (Free entrance) 2016.12.10 Sat.
part 1: 3:00 p.m.– (For children / Adults are allowed to participate)
part 2: 5:00 p.m.–
Participating artists will talk about their work. Open to the public.
Mosaic is an art that has been passed down from ancient times.
This exhibit features the mosaic works by 30 local and international artists from Italy, USA, and other parts of the world.
The venue, Shimadai Gallery, built in 1883, is a registered national cultural asset, and offers us the invaluable experience
of viewing a collection of new artists’ work within a traditional machiya (Japanese townhouse).
The theme tsu-na-gu refers not only to the connection of fragments characteristic to mosaic art, but to the connection of
people, places, and time. The expansive potential and rich diversity of expression of mosaic art is made accessible
through the fusion of mosaics and the city of Kyoto. In exhibiting the work local elementary school children, we are
establishing a new setting for art development via the medium of mosaic.
海外アーティスト|Artists from Overseas
ANEME (Italy)・・Arianna Gallo (Italy)・・Erin Pankratz(Canada)・・Jo Braun (USA)・・Karen Ami (USA)・・Kelley Knickerbocker (USA)・・Luca Barberini (Italy)・・Marcelino Manhula (Mozambique)・・Matylda Tracewska (Poland)・・・・MILLION (Korea)・・Mireille Swinnen (Belgium)・・Olivier Perret (France)・・Pamela Irving (Australia)・・Sergio Policicchio (Argentina-Italy)
参加アーティスト|Japanese Artists
碧亜希子・Akiko Ao・・芦田いずみ・Izumi Ashida・・尾形草子・Kayako Ogata・・喜井豊治・Toyoharu Kii・・櫻井拓也・Takuya Sakurai・・櫻井真智子・Machiko Sakurai・・杉山高行・Takayuki Sugiyama・・曽根研・Ken Sone・・通代・Michiyo・・中井佳代子・Kayoko Nakai・・平井能子・Takako Hirai・・福原与恵・Yoshie Fukuhara・・松下敬・Takashi Matsushita・・三上群嗣・Gunji Mikami・・宮川雄介・Yusuke Miyagawa・・若月弓枝・Yumie Wakatsuki
Installation of Local Children’s Work
A mosaic workshop directed by Mayumi Tonomura was held in the summer of 2016 at Kyoto Motomachi Elementary School. The children created mosaic art under a central theme, “People”. This project broadened to public scale involving exchanges with the local citizens in the “Shinmachi Mosaic Festival”, a series of events in which the student’s works were displayed along the Shinmachi shopping strip in the Kita District of Kyoto in September 2016. In the spirit of this exhibition’s theme, tsu-na-gu, we feature an installation using those works by elementary school children. The joy of creating art is linked to the future generations via the medium of mosaics.
“Authentic Kyoto” Mosaic Art
Based on the motif of 18th century Kyoto-based painter Ito
Jakuchu’s “White Elephant”, this mosaic was made using pieces of pottery from Kyoto. A 2m tall mosaic Kyo-kabura (Kyoto turnip), representing the locally cultivated vegetables of Kyoto, is also on display, connecting the mosaic world to the unique locale of Kyoto (both works are created by marmosaico).
Messages for the Exhibition
Mayumi, the director of the mosaic art studio, marmosaico, made this "nameplate" for my office.
There is something magical about mosaic. It makes a striking impression with its simplicity and is profound at the same time. It completely reveals the personality of the artist, but somehow anonymity is retained.
Mayumi certainly has an eye for art. I have a great deal of respect for her.
This is sure to be an excellent exhibition.
Banana Yoshimoto
I am pleased for this opportunity to congratulate the organizers of Kyoto Mosaic Exhibition.
Mosaic art is not only characterized by its unique designs, vividness of colors, and the variety of materials used, but the works are also fascinating in their ability to convey a sense of intelligence or meaning. The artistry of a mosaic work lies in the wonderful way that life itself appears to dwell within it.
I expect the children's contact with the variety of works and expressions at this exhibit will nurture their perception skills that develop from an early age.
Katsuki Azuma
Rakuhoku Nursery School Headmaster
Supporters|Kyoto Prefecture・・Kyoto City・・Kyoto Municipal Board of Education・・The Kyoto Shimbun Co., Ltd.・・Kyoto City International Foundation・・Centro Culturale Italo Giapponese di Kyoto・・FM-Kyoto Inc.
Sponsor|MOSAICTILE MUSEUM Tajimi, HIRATA TILE CO.,LTD. Yamashu ceramic.